We are excited to announce the release of EvoX 1.1, introducing full integration of torch.compile (T…
The EMI Group has officially released MetaDE (https://github.com/EMI-Group/evox), an open-source met…
The EMI Group has officially launched EvoRL (https://github.com/EMI-Group/evorl), an open-source Evo…
The EMI Group has officially launched EvoGP (https://github.com/EMI-Group/evogp), a cutting-edge, GP…
The EMI Group has announced the official release of EvoX 1.0.0, a distributed GPU-accelerated evolut…
On July 18, 2024, at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2024) held in Melbou…
Recently, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Awards Committee announced the results o…
Prof. Ran Cheng has been honored with the Outstanding Associate Editor Award for 2023 by the IEEE Tr…
Recently, we have a paper entitled "Efficient Deep Spiking Multi-Layer Perceptrons with Multiplicati…
Recently, we have a paper entitled "Generalized Population-Based Training for Hyperparameter Optimiz…