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EMI Group

Guided by a philosophy rooted in nature’s principles, our mission is to unravel the mysteries of adaptive systems and empower humanity through intelligent algorithms. By designing and optimizing intelligent systems that evolve over time, we tackle challenges across diverse domains, from complex engineering designs to real-world decision-making processes. Our research embodies a synergy of cutting-edge algorithms, high-performance computing, and deep scientific inquiry.

We believe in collaboration and impact. Our team brings together researchers, innovators, and engineers who share a passion for creating meaningful technologies that shape a sustainable, intelligent future. By bridging academia and industry, we aim to bring AI techniques out of the lab and into the world, solving real problems and inspiring the next generation of innovation.

        演化机器智能课题组(EMI Group)成立于2018年9月,隶属于南方科技大学计算机科学与工程系。课题组旨在采用计算机模拟的方式理解演化现象产生复杂性、多样性和智能性的科学内涵,着重开发数据驱动的自动建模与智能优化系统化理论方法,助力解决复杂工程应用问题。课题组已获批国家自然基金委、工信部、华为海思等多个竞争性项目,组员以南科大为第一/通讯单位在顶级国际期刊或知名国际学术会议上持续发表学术论文。在合作项目将的支撑下,研究成果被国家电网、中国商飞、华为海思等机构应用。